On Sept. 5, the Seahawks will announce their final roster of 53 players. Who would you pick? Use our interactive below to choose your team — but be careful of the salary cap! This season, thanks to rollover money from previous years, the Seahawks have a maximum salary of $148.26 million, more than the NFL average of $143.28 million. But you're already committed to $55.86 million due to signing bonuses, payroll for the practice squad, and what is known as dead money: outstanding commitments to old contracts such as Percy Harvin's.

To get you started, we've gone ahead and selected positions where only one player is available. One catch: Players who are currently injured are grayed-out and cannot be removed from the team. But they don't count toward your 53-player maximum. And Kam Chancellor ... even though he's currently holding out, you can select him anyway.

Once you've completed your roster, use the 'share' button to compare your ultimate Seahawks team with your friends' own squads.

Source: OverTheCap.com

Developed by Audrey Carlsen, Nick Eaton, and Thomas Wilburn

Header art by Rich Boudet

{{selectedCount}} players (max: {{maximumCount}})
${{selectedCost | number}} (max: ${{maximumCost | number}})


  • #{{player.no}} - {{player.last}} {{player.extra}}
    ${{player.cap | number}}