Fear vs. reality: How bad is crime in your neighborhood?

A new Seattle University survey asked city residents how much they fear crime in their neighborhood, on a scale of 0 to 100. In some neighborhoods with a high level of fear, the crime rates are well below average.

Note: Crime rate is an annual average (2016-2017) of all reported crimes, per 1,000 people.

{ "zoomSnap": 0.5 } { "weight": 1, "color": "#000", "opacity":0.2, "fillOpacity":0.7 }


  • Average fear rating of residents: {{fear}}
  • Crimes per thousand people: {{crimeRate}}
{ "zoomSnap": 0.5 } { "weight": 1, "color": "#000", "opacity":0.2, "fillOpacity":0.7 }


  • Average fear rating of residents: {{fear}}
  • Crimes per thousand people: {{crimeRate}}
Sources: Seattle University, Seattle Police Department, U.S. Census Alec Glassford / The Seattle Times