2018 Chips List

The Seattle Times' annual Chips List reveals the top 100 football prospects in Washington state, as determined by reporter Jayda Evans with input from recruiting experts and high-school coaches. Use the searchable list below to meet our picks for 2018.

A blue-chip player is considered the cream of the recruiting crop — an athlete who could start and star at the Division I level in college. A red chipper is someone who could start in a major conference like the Pac-12. And the rest of our top prospects are white chippers. Because of this year's first-ever football early signing period, many athletes have already signed with their schools. For those who haven't, traditional National Signing Day is February 7.

Be sure to also check out our 2018 UW and WSU Recruiting Tracker.

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Reporting by Jayda Evans
Production by Evan Webeck Illustration by Rich Boudet