Inspection reports for private psychiatric hospitals in Washington state

Seattle Times staff

Published Dec. 28, 2019

In its investigation of private psychiatric hospitals, The Seattle Times obtained dozens of inspection reports that had not previously been made public. Select a hospital to see the violations cited by state or federal regulators.

The Seattle Times is providing these reports of violations identified by government inspectors. The reports include violations found during annual licensing surveys and complaint investigations. In some cases, inspectors produced two separate reports for the same inspection to cite violations under distinct state and federal standards. These records do not include inspections where a regulator found no violations. They may not include every violation report, and this database will not be updated in real-time. You can also request statements of deficiencies directly from the Washington state Department of Health and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Source: Washington state Department of Health, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Public Crisis, Private Toll