Washington coronavirus cases and deaths
Total cases as of 11:59 p.m. on | Updated on Fridays.
Cases per 10,000 residents
2,400.1 or more cases
2,100.1 - 2,400.0
1,800.1 - 2,100.0
1,500.1 - 1,800.0
Under 1,500.0
Total cases
Counties with cases
Counties without cases
Total deaths
Counties with deaths
Counties without deaths
Deaths per 10,000 residents
30.1 or more deaths
20.1 - 30.0 deaths
10.1 - 20.0 deaths
Under 10.0 deaths
cases have not been identified by county.
deaths has not been identified by county.
Note: The color legend may update based on the break downs of cases and deaths. See the data notes for specifics.
Source: Washington State Department of Health. 2020 population estimates from Washington Office of Financial Management
Lauren Flannery and Hilary Fung / The Seattle Times